вторник, 25 января 2011 г.

As I decided to change the project to my first idea, I should make a new schedule as well.

A bit about the book at first: Master and Margarita

Week 2 - this week, I should make a research on all the charachters from Master and Margarita.

Week 3 - Research as well, first attempts and ideas

Week 4 - Koroviev (Fagotto) design ("A purported "ex-choirmaster"; this may imply that Koroviev was once a member of an angelic choir. Woland's assistant, capable of creating any illusions. Unlike Behemoth and Azazello, does not use violence at any point").

Week 5 - Woland design

Week 6 - Azazello design ("A menacing, fanged and wall-eyed member of Woland's retinue, a messenger and assassin, may be one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse. Possible reference to Azazel. In the Old Testament apocryphal Book of Enoch 8:1-3, Azazel is the fallen angel who taught people to make weapons and jewelry, and taught women the "sinful art" of painting their faces. This explains Azazello giving Margarita the magical cream").

Week 7 - Cat Behemoth design ("An enormous (said to be as large as a hog) black cat, capable of standing on two legs and talking. He has a penchant for chess, vodka and pistols. In Russian, "Begemot". The word itself means hippopotamus in Russian as well as the Biblical creature. A demon in disguise, able to take human form for short time")
Week 8 - Margarita design ("The Master's lover. Trapped in a passionless marriage; devoted herself to The Master, who she believes is dead. Does not appear until the second half of the novel, where she serves as the hostess of Satan's Grand Ball on Walpurgis Night. She is named after Goethe's Faust's Gretchen – whose real name is Margarita – as well as Marguerite de Valois. Marguerite was the main character in an opera, Les Huguenots by Giacomo Meerbeer which Bulgakov particularly enjoyed, and a novel by Alexandre Dumas, pere, La Reine Margot. In these accounts the queen is portrayed as daring and passionate. The character was also inspired by Bulgakov's last two wives, the first of whom loved action and was physically daring, while the last was devoted to his work in the same way as Margarita is to the Master.")

Week 9 - Master design ("An author who had written a novel about the meeting of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri (Jesus of Nazareth). Put away in a psychiatric clinic, where Bezdomny meets him. Very little is known about this character's past other than that he had no point in his life until he finally met Margarita").

Brief descriptions taken from the wikipedia.

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